Fare-Free Service:Trains between Medford/Tufts and East Somerville will be fare-free.
Shuttle Bus Information:- Shuttle Buses will service Sullivan Square for Orange Line connections.
- No shuttle bus service between North Station and Park St. Riders should instead use the Orange Line for parallel service through North Station and Park St.
Shuttle Stops and locations:Sullivan Square:Station Busway (Upper level)
East Somerville:Westbound - Washington St @ Tufts St
Eastbound - Washington St @ New Washington St
Lechmere:Station Busway
Science Park/West End:Westbound - Nashua Street Park
Eastbound - Martha Rd @ Whittier Place
North Station:Nashua St @ Red Auerbach Way
Subway Connections:- North Station (Transfer within Station to Orange Line)
- Haymarket (Transfer within Station to Orange Line.)
- Government Center (use State, 0.2 mi.)
- Park Street (use Downtown Crossing, 0.2 mi.)
Union Square Alternatives:No shuttle bus service to Union Square. Riders can instead use bus routes 86 and 91 between Union and East Somerville Station on the Medford Branch. These bus routes also travel to Sullivan Square on the Orange Line. Additionally, Route 87 travels between Union Square and Lechmere.
Affected stops:Union Square
Science Park/West End
North Station
Government Center
Park Street
East Somerville
Updated: 12/16/2024 4:24 PM EST