Public Meeting | Tremont/Columbus Avenue Bus Lanes Phase 2 (Virtual)
Meeting Info
Attendees: General Public
Event Description
The Columbus Avenue Bus Lanes Project aims to improve transit times along some of our busiest bus routes. Phase 2 is in the concept development stage, and will include transit, bicycle, pedestrian safety and operational improvements and public realm improvements along Columbus Avenue and Tremont Street between approximately Jackson Square and Ruggles Stations.
At the meeting, the MBTA will present an overview of the project, updated project concept design and analyses, and gather input from the community. Opportunities to provide feedback will focus on specific concept design elements in advance of the project moving to design engineering. This event will be held virtually.
Join the Virtual Meeting
These meetings are accessible to people with disabilities and those with limited English proficiency. Accessibility accommodations and language services will be provided free of charge, upon request, as available. Such services include documents in alternate formats, translated materials, assistive listening devices, and interpreters (including American Sign Language).
For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation and/or language services, please email or call (617) 651-1363.
Para más información o para solicitar un arreglo especial razonable y/o servicios lingüísticos, envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al (617) 651-1363.
Para maiores informações ou para solicitar uma acomodação e/ou serviços linguísticos, favor enviar um e-mail para ou ligar para (617) 651-1363.
Pou plis enfòmasyon, oswa pou mande fè aranjman rezonnab pou ou, ak / oswa pou jwenn sèvis tradiksyon, voye yon mesaj elektwonnik nan adrès, oswa rele nimewo (617) 651-1363.
Để biết thêm thông tin chi tiết hoặc yêu cầu một hỗ trợ hợp lý và/hoặc các dịch vụ ngôn ngữ, vui lòng gửi email đến hoặc gọi điện cho số (617) 651-1363.
如需瞭解更多資訊或申請合理的便利和/或語言服務,請發送電子郵件至 或致電 (617) 651-1363.
如需了解更多信息或申请合理的便利和/或语言服务,请发送电子邮件至 或致电 (617) 651-1363.
Pour obtenir plus d'informations ou pour demander des mesures d’adaptation ou des services linguistiques raisonnables, veuillez envoyer un courriel à ou composer le (617) 651-1363.
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